Exorcism Movies Pages

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Video taping Exorcisms: Why is video taping exorcisms in The Devil Inside movie dangerous?

The Devil Inside movie is due out in movie theaters on January 6, 2012. The exorcism movie is about video taping exorcisms, which is an unauthorized act. Most exorcism movies convey the danger in looking directly into the eyes of the possessed. Hence, our eyes represent the portal to our soul. The entire belief system depends on the mind. Why is video taping exorcisms a dangerous act?

The possessed are violent. The demons within the possessed are capable of possessing nearby occupants. An exorcism is frightening yet powerful a Catholic tool to extricate demons from the possessed. In my opinion, video taping exorcisms are unauthorized in the Catholic Church since the possessed can emit negative energy through the video tape. Anything viewed on the television screen is capable of transferring to viewers.

The Devil Inside movie is about a possessed women who murders three Church servants. The daughter of the possessed woman decides to do a documentary to shed light on her mother's past. Video taping exorcisms without the Catholic Church's approval exposes vulnerable subjects.

Exorcism movies and devil movies are extremely evil. It is one subject matter that scares most people. Whereas you can show fear in the Devil, you must remain strong to keep evil demons away.

Video taping exorcisms can lead to possession. Thus, the cameraman and viewers are exposed to evil. Humans must be very careful as to not allow evil demons to enter their body. The Devil is identified as a metaphysical entity, though there is evidence of Satan's existence. The Church has performed thousands of exorcisms to heal the possessed. Exorcisms are vital to confronting demons, and then casting them out of the possessed.

In essence, The Devil Inside movie is a frightening depiction of video taping two exorcisms. Since the movie is due out in movie theaters next Friday, Exorcism Movies will feature a movie review on either Thursday or Friday night (January 5 or January 6). Video taping an exorcism is not recommended.

Don't experiment with what you watch in the Devil Inside movie. The documentary movie is a recreation of true events which remain unsolved.              

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