Exorcism Movies Pages

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Devil Inside movie box office disappointment

The Devil Inside movie opened with record-breaking earnings the first box office weekend. The $34.5 million in box office receipts between January 6-8, 2012 sparked a frenzy for Marria Rossi, the 1989 Murders, The Rossi Files and the realism depicted in the exorcism movie. As a result of a poor movie ending, The Devil Inside movie is essentially dead.

The Devil Inside movie's current box office totals to date are at $53 million. The exorcism movie earned a measly $100,000 in its fifth weekend in release. The movie will not last too much longer in movie theaters. Insidious earned a few million more in its box office run.

We assumed the $34.5 demonstrated box office power for weeks to come. The bad movie ending and misleading moviegoers with the true facts in the Maria Rossi exorcism case influenced the box office performance. Not all is lost since Paramount only acquired the exorcism movie at $1 million.

Nonetheless, The Devil Insider writer/director and co-writer gambled on a controversial movie ending. In result, the movie tanked due to their lazy writing and directing. Every great exorcism movie ending features a last exorcism to resolve the demonic possession. This latest rendition failed to materialize. It left moviegoers with many unanswered questions.

Did Maria Rossi get exorcised to free the four demons? What are the names of the demons? Why end a movie about exorcisms and demons with a car accident? The Devil Inside movie dug its own grave.

The Devil Inside movie sank like the Titanic shortly after the opening box office weekend. Poor writing, manipulating the facts, a bad movie ending and using social media to entice moviegoers to frighten teens to not the exorcism movie impacted the projected box office earnings.

We can predict with our newly discovered clairvoyance abilities that The Devil Inside will soon be exorcised out of the box office in the next few weeks. With only $100k in box office ticket sales in Week 5, the exorcism movie is hanging on life support.

Purchase The Devil Inside DVD and save 48% - click below

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